Service commands EcoNAT Documentation / Quick system start / Service commands
- Information about memory resources
- Information about system resources
- Information on temperature and fans
- Port allocation errors
- Counters
Information about memory resources
To view the free volume of memory use the show memstat command.
EcoSGE:1:# show memstat
Data plane free/total memory: 19012 MiB / 30064 MiB
Control plane free/total memory: 2559 MiB / 3475 MiB
If using the detail option, the values in bytes are displayed.
EcoSGE:1:# show memstat detail
Data plane free/total memory: 3018025088 bytes / 4294966720 bytes
Control plane free/total memory: 1460961280 bytes / 1813062208 bytes
Information about system resources
To view information about system resources use the show resources command.
EcoSGE:# show resources
CPU load: 97% (te7, te8, te9, te10, te11, te12)
Avg egress burst: 10.8 (4.2%)
Avg ingress burst: 11.6 (4.5%)
Translations number: 2152808
Session table used/total: 0/33554432 (0.0%)
Translation table used/total: 0/41943040 (0.0%)
Abons table used/total: 0/131072 (0.0%)
Mbufs number on socket 0 used/total: 15372/2097151 (0.7%)
Block allocation log size: 0 (0.0%)
Bras table used/total: 0/524288 (0.0%)
DPI host buffers used/total: 0/65535 (0.0%)
DPI path buffers used/total: 0/65535 (0.0%)
Awaiting syslog messages: 0 (0.0%)
The description of the output parameters is given in the table below.
Parameter | Description |
CPU load | CPU load. Interfaces, in order of decreasing % of processor load |
Avg egress burst | Average egress burst |
Avg ingress burst | Average ingress burst |
Session table used/total | Session table filling counter (used/total) |
Translation table used/total | Translation table filling counter (used/total) |
Abons table used/total | Unique abonents table filling counter (used/total) |
Mbufs number on socket 0 used/total | Used/total number of data plane buffers of the processor |
Block allocation log size | Counter of the buffer of connection_log messages (% usage) |
Bras table used/total | BRAS authorized abonents table filling counter (used/total) |
DPI host buffers used/total | Domain name buffer filling counter (used/total) |
DPI path buffers used/total | The counter of filling the information buffer by the URL after the "?" (used/total) |
DPI state buffers used/total | Session information buffer filling counter (used/total) |
Awaiting syslog messages | Syslog messages buffer filling counter |
Information on temperature and fans
To view information about the temperature of the cores use the show temperature command.
EcoSGE:> show temperature
Core 0: 54C
Core 1: 53C
Core 2: 50C
Core 3: 54C
Core 4: 57C
Core 5: 54C
Core 6: 52C
Core 7: 54C
Core 8: 55C
Core 9: 56C
To view information about the speed of the fans available in the hardware platform use the show fan command (for EcoSGE 4xxx models).
In the output of the command:
- NIC <N> – fans on network cards. During normal operation, the fan speed should be within 6000-6398 RPM;
- System fan <N> – fans in the case of the device. The fan speed depends on the temperature in the enclosure of the device. With a minimum load, the fan speed should be between 2600-4800 RPM. At maximum load, the fan speed should be between 16700-22300 RPM.
EcoSGE:> show fan
NIC1 fan : 6308 RPM
NIC2 fan : 6279 RPM
NIC3 fan : 6398 RPM
NIC4 fan : 6081 RPM
System fan 1 : 12162 RPM
System fan 2 : 12162 RPM
System fan 3 : 12272 RPM
System fan 4 : 11946 RPM
System fan 5 : 7219 RPM
System fan 6 : 7297 RPM
System fan 7 : 7417 RPM
System fan 8 : 7297 RPM
Port allocation errors
To view the information about the CGNAT port allocation errors, use the show cgnat errors command.
Example of output of a command.
ECONAT:1:> show cgnat errors
Last other port allocation errors:
local ip =, global port = 0029, proto = 4, reason = 14, count = 26
local ip =, global port = 0029, proto = 4, reason = 14, count = 288
local ip =, global port = 0029, proto = 4, reason = 14, count = 103
total 3032 other port allocation errors, 12 entries
Last PPTP_GRE port allocation errors:
total 0 PPTP_GRE port allocation errors, 0 entries
Last ICMP port allocation errors:
local ip =, global port = 33AA, proto = 3, reason = 2, count = 506
local ip =, global port = 261B, proto = 3, reason = 2, count = 1436
local ip =, global port = 0003, proto = 3, reason = 0, count = 7
total 25520 ICMP port allocation errors, 8 entries
Last UDP port allocation errors:
local ip =, global port = D9A9, proto = 2, reason = 2, count = 26
local ip =, global port = F248, proto = 2, reason = 2, count = 56123
local ip =, global port = 837E, proto = 2, reason = 2, count = 325840
total 20172340 UDP port allocation errors, 187 entries
Last TCP port allocation errors:
local ip =, global port = C4C6, proto = 1, reason = 2, count = 737
local ip =, global port = BEB4, proto = 1, reason = 2, count = 31860
local ip =, global port = C716, proto = 1, reason = 2, count = 1204
total 888852360 TCP port allocation errors, 8198 entries
Last GC port freeing errors:
total 0 GC port freeing errors, 0 entries
Debug counters: c0 = 2097260570, c10 = 2097260851, c11 = 281, c14 = 2097260851, c16 = 2097260851, c18 = 2097260851, c19 = 1962724651, c1A = 129378344, c1B = 5157732, c1D = 124, c21 = 1962956737, c22 = 129423896, c23 = 5158397, c25 = 125, c31 = 888866719, c32 = 20171823, c33 = 25513, c34 = 3032, c41 = 1962724651, c42 = 129391431, c43 = 5157732, c45 = 124, c60 = 2097539155, c61 = 2097273938, cE0 = 7787174454, cE3 = 7787173632, cE4 = 7787173632, cE5 = 541, cF8 = 541, c120 = 3, c122 = 888866719, c140 = 531, c142 = 20171808, c148 = 15, c160 = 7, c162 = 25513, c1B4 = 3032, c200 = 9528647, c201 = 3943199,
In the output of the command:
- Debug counters are debugging counters for developers,
- proto - type of protocol,
- reason is the cause of the error,
- count is the value of the error counter.
Legend types of protocols are presented in the table below.
Legend | Protocol |
0 | UNKNOWN - protocols that are not in the categories listed below |
1 | TCP |
2 | UDP |
3 | ICMP |
4 | L4_OPAQUE (RDP, IPV4, IPV6, ESP, AH, L2TP) |
5 | PPTP_GRE |
6 | ARP |
The causes of the errors are indicated in the table below.
Legend | Cause |
1 | Information for developers |
2 | The number of ports for the user has been exceeded, the limits_peruser parameter |
3 | Information for developers |
4 | Global_ip allocation error |
5 | Information for developers |
6 | Information for developers |
7 | Information for developers |
8 | Port block allocation error |
9 | Information for developers |
0xA | Information for developers |
0xB | Information for developers |
0xC | Information for developers |
0xD | Information for developers |
0x10 | Information for developers |
0x11 | Information for developers |
0x12 | Information for developers |
0x13 | Information for developers |
0x14 | Can not recognize the protocol |
0x20 | Information for developers |
0x21 | Entries do not exist |
0x22 | Information for developers |
0x23 | The top TCP ports are out of range |
0x24 | Lower TCP ports are out of range |
0x25 | The upper odd UDP ports are out of range |
0x26 | Lower odd UDP ports are out of range |
0x27 | Upper even UDP ports out of range |
0x28 | Bottom even UDP ports out of range |
0x29 | ICMP Ports Out of Range |
0x2A | PPTP_GRE ports are out of range |
0x[PP]30 | EGRESS translation did not hit any PP pool (pool number where the error occurred) |
0x[PP]31 | INGRESS translation did not hit any PP pool (pool number where the error occurred) |
0x[PP]32 | acl EGRESS translation does not match the PP pool (pool number where the error occurred) |
0x[PP]33 | acl INGRESS translation does not match the PP pool (pool number where the error occurred) |
0x34 | Translation does not match settings |
0x35 | The address does not match the global settings of the BNAT pool |
0x36 | Exceeded the number of connections BNAT pool |
0x37 | INGRESS connections are forbidden |
To clear the error counter, use the clear cgnat errors command.
In EcoNAT there are the counters that collect system statistics.
In order to view the status of all the counters, use the show counters all command.
MyEcoNAT:7:# show counters all
Printing counters...
Port statistics:
Port te8 | dataplane: 0/1429/0; d_bursts:1429/0/0; arp: 0/0; lacp: 0/0; lldp: 0/1429; unknown: 0/0; tx_drops: 0
Port te7 | dataplane: 0/1429/0; d_bursts:1429/0/0; arp: 0/0; lacp: 0/0; lldp: 0/1429; unknown: 0/0; tx_drops: 0
Port ge5 | dataplane: 114645/0/0; d_bursts:0/0/0; arp: 101660/8604; lacp: 0/0; lldp: 2864/1429; unknown: 10121/0; tx_drops: 0
Port ge4 | dataplane: 0/0/0; d_bursts:0/0/0; arp: 0/0; lacp: 0/0; lldp: 0/1429; unknown: 0/0; tx_drops: 0
Port ge3 | dataplane: 0/0/0; d_bursts:0/0/0; arp: 0/0; lacp: 0/0; lldp: 0/1429; unknown: 0/0; tx_drops: 0
Port ge2 | dataplane: 0/96877/0; d_bursts:94158/0/0; arp: 0/98908; lacp: 0/0; lldp: 0/1429; unknown: 0/57; tx_drops: 0
Port ge1 | dataplane: 100422/1429/0; d_bursts:1429/0/0; arp: 98908/0; lacp: 0/0; lldp: 2864/1429; unknown: 57/0; tx_drops: 0
Total statistics:
Core total, cr_l2_pass_unsupported_proto: 57
Core total, cr_pass_arp: 98908
Core total, cr_session_alloc_no_pool_ingress: 1608
Core total, cr_allocated_logger_mbufs: 3
Core total, cr_allocated_arp_mbufs: 266367
Core total, cr_allocated_lldp_mbufs: 2858
Core total, cr_avg_ingress_rx_queue: 292
Core total, cr_egress_rx_queue_void: 1254429909073
Core total, cr_ingress_rx_queue_void: 1254429805635
Core total, cr_ingress_rx_queue_medium: 103437
Core total, cr_trans_per_user_limit_exceed: 1
Core total, crs_urgent_conns.cc_void: 1441
Core total, crs_urgent_conns.cc_medium: 167
Core total, crs_lazy_conns.cc_void: 167
Core total, crs_lazy_conns.cc_medium: 1441
free_laddrs: 65536
free_logging_mbufs: 65437
free_mbufs0: 13264
MyEcoNAT:8:# show counters diff
Core diff statistics:
Core total-diff, cr_pass_arp: 2
Core total-diff, cr_allocated_arp_mbufs: 3
Core total-diff, cr_avg_ingress_rx_queue: 65
Core total-diff, cr_egress_rx_queue_void: 14690971
Core total-diff, cr_ingress_rx_queue_void: 14690968
Core total-diff, cr_ingress_rx_queue_medium: 3
To view the counters for a particular interface (or for all interfaces), use the show interface {all | <INT_NAME>} counters command, where INT_NAME is the name of the interface.
MyEcoNAT:9:> show interface ge1 counters
Interface name: ge1
rx_good_packets: 0
tx_good_packets: 0
rx_good_bytes: 0
tx_good_bytes: 0
To view information about traffic passing through the interface, use the show interface {all | <INT_NAME>} traffic [monitor] command, where all is "show all interfaces" option, INT_NAME is the name of the interface, monitor is a real-time view. To exit the monitor mode, press [Ctrl+C] or [Esc], or [Q] on the keyboard. The Subtotal row shows the total values for all line interfaces, i. e. non-management/non-logging ones.
MyEcoNAT:10:> show interface all traffic monitor
Interface Packets In/Out Bytes In/Out Errors In/Out
--------- -------------- ------------ -------------
ge2 15677 M / 21212 M 17175 G / 11090 G 0 / 0
ge3 21307 M / 15600 M 11127 G / 17149 G 0 / 0
Subtotal: 36984 M / 36812 M 28302 G / 28239 G 0 / 0
ge1 397 K / 4105 M 24108 K / 799 G 0 / 0
Press Ctrl+C / Esc / q to stop.
For ease of viewing, the decimal prefixes "K, M, G, T" in the SI system are used.
To reset the counters, use the clear counters command.
MyEcoNAT:9:# clear counters
Counters has been zeroed
To view the general statistics for sessions, use the show statistics command.
EcoNAT:1:> show statistics
*** Total session stats:
used/optimal/total sessions tcp: 3745042 / 16777216 / 83886080
used/optimal/total sessions udp: 5363325 / 16777216 / 83886080
used/optimal/total sessions icmp: 15853 / 16777216 / 83886080